Every day, many people leave their families to migrate abroad for work. A large percentage end up being exploited and abused. Together with our network subsidiary Associations, MWSWAU and MWVNA we aim to facilitate for a safer migration process for all stakeholders involved.

Migrant Workers' Voice is an international organization that
advocates for the rights and well-being of migrant workers around
the world.
The organization works to promote social justice, human rights,
and decent work for all migrant workers, regardless of their
nationality, gender, or legal status. Migrant Workers' Voice aims
to empower migrant workers by providing them with education,
training, legal assistance, and other support services including
reintegration and rehabilitation of returnees to help them
navigate the challenges of working in foreign countries.
The organization also works to raise public awareness about the
issues facing migrant workers and to advocate for policies and
legislation that protect their rights and promote their well-being.
Migrant Workers' Voice collaborates with local and international partners to promote decent work and sustainable economic development, and to build a more just and equitable world for all thus empowering the voices.

We believe that every migrant worker has the potential to achieve great things, and with access to the right resources and support, they can change the world.
1. To promote and defend the rights and welfare of migrant workers and their families in Uganda and abroad.
2. To facilitate the provision of legal and social assistance to migrant workers who face exploitation, abuse, or other challenges while working abroad.
3. To provide skills training and other forms of support to migrant workers who wish to improve their employability and income-generating potential.
4. To engage in advocacy and lobbying activities aimed at creating a more favorable policy and regulatory environment for migrant workers in Uganda.

5. To provide information and awareness-raising activities to facilitate the informed decision-making of potential migrant workers and their families.
6. To facilitate the establishment and management of savings and credit schemes for migrant workers and their families to enable them to access financial services and improve their economic status.
7. To collaborate and network with other organizations and stakeholders involved in promoting the rights and welfare of migrant workers in Uganda and globally.
8. To promote social integration and reconciliation among migrant workers and their families by facilitating regular community activities and events.
9. Raising awareness: Migrant Workers' Voice aims to raise awareness and educate migrant workers about the risks of human trafficking. This includes providing information on the signs of trafficking, which industries are most susceptible to trafficking, and how to report suspicious activity.
10. Empowering migrant workers: Migrant workers are often vulnerable to trafficking due to their precarious legal status and lack of access to resources. Migrant Workers' Voice works to empower workers by providing them with legal and social support, as well as by advocating for their rights.
11. Collaboration and information sharing: The organization fosters collaboration and information sharing between different stakeholders involved in preventing human trafficking, such as the government, NGOs, and industry associations.
12. Addressing root causes: Migrant Workers' Voice acknowledges the root causes of human trafficking, such as poverty, lack of education, and discrimination. Through their work, the organization aims to address these issues and prevent them from fueling trafficking.
13. Providing post-trafficking support: In the event that a worker falls victim to trafficking, Migrant Workers' Voice provides support for their reintegration back into society. This includes counseling, legal support, and access to job training and education.