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Recommendations to Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development by Migrant Workers voice org


Industry revamp Strategic blueprint and

Here is a more detailed explanation of each point and how

it can be implemented:

Protecting the Welfare of Ugandan Migrant Workers Abroad: Building Effective Frameworks"


Discuss the significance of Ugandan migrant workers and their contributions to the economy through remittances and skills acquisition:

Conduct research and gather data on the economic impact of Ugandan migrant workers( positive stories), including the amount of remittances sent back to Uganda and their contribution to the development of specific sectors or industries.

Publicize this information through reports, media outreach, and engagement with relevant stakeholders to create awareness and highlight the importance of protecting their welfare through their amplified voices.

Explain the importance of proactive measures by the Ugandan Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development to promote and protect migrant workers' welfare:

Review and assess existing policies and programs related to migrant worker welfare in Uganda, identifying any gaps or areas for improvement such as social security and insurance supplements.

Develop a detailed plan outlining specific actions, timelines, and allocated resources to address these gaps and improve the protection and promotion of migrant worker welfare ( incentivise safe recruitment to achieve on zero Traficking).

Communicate this plan to relevant government agencies, civil society organizations, and international partners, seeking their support and collaboration.

Highlight the need for proper frameworks to address the challenges faced by undocumented workers/ run aways after distress before they encounter trouble from houses abroad:

Conduct studies to identify specific challenges faced by undocumented migrant workers, such as reasons for undocumented status, vulnerabilities, and instances of exploitation.

Develop a comprehensive framework that includes legal aid, support services, and preventive/ proactive measures specifically tailored to address the needs and challenges of undocumented workers.

Advise and advocate for policies and regulations that facilitate documentation processes, all national migrant workers abroad to have a specific common database, reduce the number of undocumented workers, and ensure their protection and welfare

Understanding the Challenges faced by Migrant Workers overseas and Explore the risks and vulnerabilities they face abroad:

Conduct comprehensive research, including field visits and surveys, to gather information on the specific risks and vulnerabilities faced by migrant workers.

Engage with migrant worker communities, returnees, NGOs, and other stakeholders to understand their experiences and perspectives.

Communicate the findings through reports, awareness campaigns, and targeted training to increase understanding and empathy among relevant stakeholders.

Advocate for increased awareness and understanding of these challenges:

Develop targeted awareness campaigns, including workshops, seminars, and media campaigns, to educate migrant workers and potential migrants about the risks and challenges they may face abroad.

Collaborate with community-based organizations, trade unions, and faith-based groups to conduct outreach programs that provide information, counseling, and resources to prospective migrants.

Engage with destination countries and their relevant authorities to foster understanding and cooperation in addressing the challenges faced by Ugandan migrant workers.

Emphasize the need for preventive proactive measures not active:

Develop and implement pre-departure training programs that cover topics such as labor rights, safe migration practices, and legal procedures.

Collaborate with recruitment agencies, community leaders, and educational institutions to ensure the inclusion of mandatory pre-departure training for migrant workers not just orientation.

Establish monitoring mechanisms to ensure compliance with training requirements and to protect against fraudulent recruitment practices.

The Role of the Ugandan Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development:

Discuss the current initiatives and policies in place to protect and empower Ugandan migrant workers:

Conduct a comprehensive review of existing policies and initiatives to assess their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Strengthen and enforce existing regulations, such as licensing and accreditation requirements for recruitment agencies, to enhance the protection of migrant workers through inclusion of migrants themselves into both decision making and problems management so that they don't remain at the receiving as subjects or look like slaves.

Develop partnerships and collaboration with relevant government agencies responsible for migration, labor, and social development to create a more coordinated approach with MOFA and MIA of Uganda.

Highlight the need for comprehensive frameworks for the "run away" undocumented workers other than discriminating them:

Develop a comprehensive frameworks that address the specific challenges faced by undocumented workers, including access to legal aid, support services, and pathways to regularize their employment status.

Collaborate with relevant national and international stakeholders to develop and implement these frameworks, adhering to international human rights standards and best practices.

Advocate for collaboration between government agencies, civil society organizations, and international partners:

Convene regular meetings and forums to foster collaboration and coordination among relevant stakeholders without excluding migrant workers.

Establish partnerships with international organizations that have expertise in migration and labor rights to leverage their resources and knowledge.

Develop mechanisms for information sharing, best practice exchange, and joint initiatives to maximize the impact and effectiveness of interventions.

Promoting Welfare and Ensuring Legal Protection.

Implement about 3-6 months pre-departure training programs on top of 14days orientation:

Collaborate with recruitment agencies, labor unions, and other stakeholders to develop standardized, comprehensive pre-departure training programs that cover legal rights, safe migration routes, and available resources.

Ensure the mandatory participation of all prospective migrant workers in these training programs.

Regularly evaluate and update the content of training programs based on emerging trends, challenges, and feedback from migrant workers.

Establish new labour bilateral agreements with destination countries:

Engage in diplomatic negotiations with destination countries to establish bilateral agreements on the protection and welfare of Ugandan migrant workers.

Advocate for the inclusion of provisions that address issues such as labor rights, access to legal representation, wage protection, and safe working conditions in these agreements.

Develop monitoring mechanisms to ensure compliance with the agreed-upon provisions and address any violations promptly.

Establish Ugandan new embassies and consulates abroad:

Strengthen the capacity of Ugandan embassies and consulates abroad to provide support, legal advice, and assistance to migrant workers in need.

Allocate sufficient resources to ensure that these diplomatic missions have trained staff, adequate infrastructure, and funding to fulfill their responsibilities effectively.

Foster collaboration with local NGOs, community organizations, migrant workers network communities and destination country authorities to enhance support mechanisms for migrant workers.

Developing Comprehensive Support Systems:

Establish accessible and responsive support systems.

Set up dedicated helplines or hotlines staffed by trained professionals who can provide immediate assistance to migrant workers in distress.

Develop partnerships with counseling organizations to provide mental health support, trauma-informed care, and psychosocial support to migrant workers.

Ensure the availability of emergency assistance, such as temporary shelter or repatriation, for migrant workers facing immediate danger or extreme exploitation situations.

Create platforms for information-sharing and support:

Develop online platforms, forums, or social media groups where migrant workers can access information on their rights, share experiences, and seek support from their peers.

Collaborate with local community organizations to establish support groups where migrant workers can receive assistance, connect with other migrants, and access resources specific to their needs.

Provide training and resources to community leaders and migrant worker advocates to facilitate the establishment of these support mechanisms.

Enhance collaboration with international organizations and civil society actors:

Establish partnerships and collaboration with international organizations, such as the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), to access their expertise, resources, and best practices.

Engage and collaborate with civil society organizations that have a focus on migration and labor rights to ensure comprehensive support for migrant workers.

Leverage existing networks and platforms, such as regional or international forums, to share knowledge, experiences, and strategies for the protection and welfare of migrant workers.

Additionally, continuous evaluation and feedback mechanisms should be established to assess the efficacy and impact of implemented measures and to make necessary adjustments as needed. and civil society actors:


Implementing these recommendations will require a multi-faceted and collaborative approach. The Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development should establish a task force or committee to oversee the development, implementation, and monitoring of these initiatives. Adequate resources, including funding, staffing, and training, should be allocated to support these efforts.

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Migrant Workers Voice

MIGRANT WORKERS’ VOICE was founded in 2017, and registered officially in 2019, (migrant workers voice labour organisation) commitment is to fight for and promote rights of migrant workers through legitimate means  of sensitization, guidance and counselling, empowerment and development, rescue and preventing migrant workers from being exposed to human trafficking and smuggling.



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